Winner of ‘Best Temperature-Controlled Goods Transportation Company 2020’!

We are please to announce that HANM has added ‘Best Temperature-Controlled Goods Transportation Company 2020’ on the list of its awards (Link)!
We would like to thank our customers who trusted their valuable loads with our hands. Without your trust, we wouldn’t have had a chance to prove ourselves!
We would like to thank our drivers who moved these valuable loads with such dedication and service to ensure safe and on-time performance. For such simple and clear attainment of ‘safe & on time delivery’, how much work and dedication it takes! Our drivers are real winners of this award.
We also want to thank our operations team members who ensured that we get inflow of wonderful freights and finish the delivery with the highest level of service. With your pre-planning, organizing skills, you showed good roads for our drivers. And when they had roadblocks, you guys moved them or found other ways. Thank you for your constant dedication to work in this ever-changing industry!
Also for the last but not the least, we want to thank our administrative and management team. with your leadership and boldness, we were able to tackle any and all obstacles and came out in one piece.
Not just for 2020 but for the since 2002, these words apply to all who are or had been a member of HANM. You all contributed to this award one way or the other.
Thank you all!